Sunday, April 22, 2012

Street art in Buenos Aires, part 3

This next photo is a different kind of street art -- an enormous silhouette of Evita Peron the adorns the Ministry of Health and Social Development (originally, the Ministry of Public Works) along Avenida el 9 de Julio in Buenos Aires
Ministry of Health and Social Development in Buenos Aires
While walking around Buenos Aires, we encountered several tiled memorials inlaid in the sidewalks, paying homage to leftists who were detained and "disappeared" by the military junta

Memorial to the disappeared embedded in a Buenos Aires sidewalk
Memorial to Chileans victimized by the rightwing governments in Chile and Argentina,
The second memorial above is embedded in the sidewalk in front of the Chilean Consulate in Buenos Aires, on Diagonal Norte Avenida Saenz Peña Nº 547.

And then there were the street paintings, drawn onto the pedestrian bridge over Avenida Presidente Figueroa Alcorte in the Recoleta barrio

Bridge over Avenida Presidente Figueroa Alcorte - north side
Bridge over Avenida Presidente Figueroa Alcorte - south side

Bridge over Avenida Presidente Figueroa Alcorte - south side
Like the street painting on the pedestrian bridge above, this mural along Avenida de Mayo in the Congreso Barrio mentions "Malvinas."
Mural along Avenida de Mayo
References to the Malvinas -- known to the English-speaking world as the Falkland Islands -- were pervasive in Buenos Aires.  I myself have mixed feelings about this issue, having formed my initial impression during the fight in the early 1980's between England, a democratic country albeit one run by right-wing leadership, against an Argentina ruled by right-wing military thugs who were plainly trying to distract their citizens from the government's economic failures through nationalistic appeals.  I have wrestled with the question whether I should see things differently today, recognizing that England's control of the islands is a vestige of the imperialist era.  In the end, though, I still cannot get over the fact that the current residents of the islands seem to approve their current status.

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